M&M has many systems running strong that were built in the late 1980’s and through the 1990’s. The majority of hardware being used at facilities is still being produced and/or refurbished, but as with any electronic components, some parts are starting to become scarce or have become obsolete.
Early generation control systems Version 1 (V1 & V1.5) contain components that are becoming scarce or are no longer available.
Version 1 hardware includes control systems and control panels that were manufactured prior to 1999.
The physical LCD glass display and the keypad assembly of Version 1 control systems have been discontinued by all suppliers. The microprocessor board can no longer be built due to obsolete components. Therefore upgrades are recommended for ALL Version 1 controls systems.
The hardware and software compatibility built into our control systems allows M&M to make upgrades a very cost effective solution.
It is important to M&M that we support our customers and help them modernize their systems in a timely and cost efficient manor. In addition many new software features are available which can help conserve energy and make the plant operation easier and more efficient. On older equipment it is suggested to customers that they start upgrading the microprocessors on their screw compressors first. This allows the hardware on those compressors to then be utilized as replacements and spares for master controllers reducing the cost and delaying a complete master change out. We have been upgrading several facilities with this approach and providing our updated suite of software functions which focus on energy savings. The most common upgrades include:
Additional changes for consideration include:
Some upgrades may require sensors or other equipment changes in the plant. Consultation with an engineer might be necessary to identify the possibilities and examine the benefits. Since many of these upgrades are focused on energy savings, often there may be rebates from the Power Company to offset some if not all of the capital investment.
The majority of hardware being used at facilities is still being produced and/or refurbished, but as with any electronic components, some parts are starting to become scarce or made obsolete by the supplier. The physical glass LCD display and the keypad assembly of V1 control systems have been discontinued by all suppliers. Additional the microprocessor board can no longer be built. V1 controllers were manufactured prior to mid 1999. A suitable replacement is not offered by our suppliers and an upgrade is recommended.