M&MRefrigeration, Inc.


Compressor Control Systems (CCS)

Screw Compressor Controller Features  ·  Compressor Controller Options  ·  "Off The Shelf" (OTS) Control Systems
OTS Components  ·  Engineered Control Systems (ERS)  ·  Refrigeration Components

Our CCS products provide control for all manufacturer’s compressors, both screw and reciprocating.

Screw Compressores

  • Uses our common scalable hardware and software platform
  • Real-time graphics display
  • The same high quality unit that is utilized on our screw compressor product line can be retrofitted on all major manufacturer’s compressor products
  • Can easily be customized and expanded if required to perform additional functions resulting in a cost-effective small system solution

Reciprocating Compressors

  • Smaller enclosure, display and keypad
  • Same functionality as the screw compressor controller

Screw Compressor Controller Features
The M&M Compressor Control System is an advanced microcontroller that has been specifically developed to provide the industry’s most extensive compressor control flexibility and safety. It is easy to use with no prior computer knowledge being necessary.

All information is clearly presented on three types of display screens:

  • Status screens, which provide continuously updated information
    regarding current compressor operating conditions
  • Menu selection screens, which are used to access various data entry screens
  • Data entry screens, where control, alarm and failure setpoints
    are observed and/or entered into the computer memory

Data entry is menu-driven in a format that guides the operator to make entries or changes. Each standard screw compressor micro has a minimum of 130 different screens.

The NEMA 4 control cabinet consists of a door-mounted keypad and display, a high efficiency universal power supply, a microcontroller main processing board, a digital input/output rack and a pre-numbered field wiring terminal strip. A battery with 10-year life is also provided to ensure that no data is lost during shutdown or temporary loss of power.

Compressor Controller Options
The expandable nature of the M&M Compressor Control System readily permits expansion to control other components of a refrigeration system. The controller can support up to 16 analog inputs, 4 analog outputs and 64 discrete I/O. With this added hardware additional refrigeration control needs can be handled, such as the following:

  • Condenser Control
  • Pump Package Control
  • Evaporator Zone Control
  • Vessel Control
  • Surge Drum Control
  • Other multi-task functions

"Off The Shelf" (OTS) Control Systems

  • Utilizes our common scalable hardware and software platform
  • Contains all features of our customized control systems
  • Can be configured by the end user to match their facility
  • Designed to solve specific control requirements for small to medium sized facilities

OTS Components

  • Master Screw Compressor
    • with sequencing for up to 8 compressors
    • pipe metal
    • with sequencing and condenser control
  • Evaporator Controller
    (4, 8,12,16, 20 zone configurations)
  • Condenser Controller
  • Pump Package Controller
  • Ice Rink Controller (single and dual rink)
    Beer Distribution Warehouse Controller
    (10/2 and 20/4 CEW/Draft configurations)

Engineered Control Systems (ERS)
Our modular design is also what makes the Microcontroller the “building block” for more extensive system control. For larger sites with several screw compressors and associated equipment, multiple Microcontrollers can be networked to form a fully customized Engineered Control System (ECS.) An ECS could consist of screw compressor Microcontrollers, one Master Microcontroller with keypad and display and perhaps one or more Remote Microcontrollers (no keypad or display.) Control of various refrigeration system components such as condensers, evaporators, refrigerant pumps, etc., can be housed in a single Microcontroller (either Master or Remote), in a wide range of combinations. These various configurations allow panels to be either centralized or distributed to minimize wiring cost during installation. The ECS is also expandable; as the refrigeration system grows, only additional Microcontrollers are needed. All data entries are made on the keypad of the Master Microcontroller or a Compressor Microcontroller. No personal computer is required for system control and monitoring. The ECS network provides the flexibility and capability of microprocessor control at a cost far lower than competitive PC-based control systems.

Refrigeration Components

  • Screw compressors
  • Reciprocating compressors
  • Rotary compressors
  • Condensers
  • Pump packages
  • Intercoolers
  • Evaporators
  • Chillers
  • Spiral freezers
  • Purgers
  • Scrape surface heat exchangers
  • Ice machines
  • Surge drums
  • Hydro-vac coolers
  • Tunnel freezers
  • Double and single ice rink systems
  • Leak detection systems
  • kW monitoring
  • kW load shedding
  • Floor warming systems
  • Exhaust fan control
  • King solenoids
  • All types of pressure, temperature, infrared, etc. sensor monitoring

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